This namespace contains Amazon Lambda aliases and related members.
Class Types
Class | Summary |
AliasSettings | Using this API you can update the function version to which the alias points and the alias description. |
Cake |
Contains extension methods for ICakeContext .
Cake |
Contains extension methods for ICakeEnvironment .
ClientSettings | The settings to use when connecting to Amazon Lambda |
Client |
Contains extension methods for ClientSettings .
CodeSettings | The settings to use when uploading code to Amazon Lambda |
Create |
The settings to use with downlad requests to Amazon Lambda |
LambdaAliases | Contains Cake aliases for configuring Amazon Lambda functions |
LambdaManager | Implementation for accessing AWS Lambda |
Publish |
Publishes a version of your function from the current snapshot of $LATEST. That is, AWS Lambda takes a snapshot of the function code and configuration information from $LATEST and publishes a new version. The code and configuration cannot be modified after publication. |
Update |
The settings to use with downlad requests to Amazon Lambda |
Interface Types
Interface | Summary |
ILambdaManager | Implementation for accessing AWS Lambda |