AzurePipelinesAgentInfo |
Provides Azure Pipelines agent info for the current build and build agent.
AzurePipelinesBuildInfo |
Provides Azure Pipelines Build info for the current build.
AzurePipelinesDefinitionInfo |
Provides Azure Pipelines definition information for the current build.
AzurePipelinesEnvironmentInfo |
Provides Azure Pipelines environment information for the current build.
AzurePipelinesMessageData |
Provides optional data associated with a Azure Pipelines logging message.
AzurePipelinesPublishCodeCoverageData |
Description of code coverage information to publish to Azure Pipelines.
AzurePipelinesPublishTestResultsData |
Description of test result information to publish to Azure Pipelines.
AzurePipelinesPullRequestInfo |
Provides Azure Pipelines pull request information for the current build.
AzurePipelinesRecordData |
Provides optional data associated with an Azure Pipelines timeline record.
AzurePipelinesRepositoryInfo |
Provides Azure Pipelines Repository information for the current build.
AzurePipelinesTeamProjectInfo |
Provides Azure Pipelines Team Project information for the current build.
AzurePipelinesTriggeredBy |
Provides Azure Pipelines Trigger information for the current build.