IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings Interface


Interface for settings affecting how issues are reported to pull requests.
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["IRepositorySettings"] click Interface0 "/api/Cake.Issues/IRepositorySettings" Type["IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings"] class Type type-node Implementing0["ReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/api/Cake.Issues.PullRequests/ReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings" Implementing1["IReportIssuesToPullRequestFromIssueProviderSettings"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/api/Cake.Issues.PullRequests/IReportIssuesToPullRequestFromIssueProviderSettings" Implementing2["ReportIssuesToPullRequestFromIssueProviderSettings"]-.->Type click Implementing2 "/api/Cake.Issues.PullRequests/ReportIssuesToPullRequestFromIssueProviderSettings"


public interface IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings : IRepositorySettings


Name Value Summary
CommentSource string
Gets or sets a value used to decorate comments created by this add-in. Only comments with the same source will be resolved.
CommitId string
Gets or sets the hash of the commit for which the issues were reported.
IssueFilters IList<Func<IEnumerable<IIssue>, IEnumerable<IIssue>>>
Gets list of filter functions which should be applied before posting issues to pull requests.
MaxIssuesToPost Nullable<int>
Gets or sets the global number of issues which should be posted at maximum over all IIssueProvider. Issues are filtered by Priority and issues with an AffectedFileRelativePath are prioritized. Default is null which won't set a global limit. Use MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns to set a limit across multiple runs.
MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns Nullable<int>
Gets or sets the global number of issues which should be posted at maximum over all IIssueProvider and across multiple runs. Issues are filtered by Priority and issues with an AffectedFileRelativePath are prioritized. Default is null which won't set a limit across multiple runs. Use MaxIssuesToPost to set a limit for a single run.
MaxIssuesToPostForEachIssueProvider Nullable<int>
Gets or sets the number of issues which should be posted at maximum for each IIssueProvider. Issues are filtered by Priority and issues with an AffectedFileRelativePath are prioritized. null won't limit issues per issue provider. Default is to filter to 100 issues for each issue provider. Use ProviderIssueLimits to set limits for individual issue providers.
ProviderIssueLimits Dictionary<string, IProviderIssueLimits>
Gets the issue limits for individual IIssueProvider. The key must be the ProviderType of a specific provider to which the limits should be applied to. Use MaxIssuesToPostForEachIssueProvider to set the same limit to all issue providers.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
Dump<IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings>() string
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
IsIn<IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings>(IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings[]) bool
Checks if the source is contained in a list
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
NotNull<IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
NotNull<IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
ThrowIfNull<IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings>(string, string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull<IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings>(string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary() IDictionary<string, object>
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
ToStringWithNullMarkup() string
Returns the string value or a Not set> markup suitable for Spectre.Console.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin