
OctoPromoteRelease(ICakeContext, string, string, string, string, string, OctopusDeployPromoteReleaseSettings) Method


Promotes the specified already existing release into a specified environment See Octopus Documentation for more details.


public static void OctoPromoteRelease(this ICakeContext context, string server, string apiKey, string projectName, string deployFrom, string deployTo, OctopusDeployPromoteReleaseSettings settings)


     // bare minimum
     OctoPromoteRelease("http://octopus-deploy.example", "API-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "MyGreatProject", "Testing", "Staging", new OctopusDeployPromoteReleaseSettings());

     // All of deployment arguments
     OctoPromoteRelease("http://octopus-deploy.example", "API-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "MyGreatProject", "Testing", "Staging", new OctopusDeployPromoteReleaseSettings {
         ShowProgress = true,
         ForcePackageDownload = true,
         WaitForDeployment = true,
         DeploymentTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
         CancelOnTimeout = true,
         DeploymentChecksLeapCycle = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(77),
         GuidedFailure = true,
         SpecificMachines = new string[] { "Machine1", "Machine2" },
         Force = true,
         SkipSteps = new[] { "Step1", "Step2" },
         NoRawLog = true,
         RawLogFile = "someFile.txt",
         DeployAt = new DateTime(2010, 6, 15).AddMinutes(1),
         Tenant = new[] { "Tenant1", "Tenant2" },
         TenantTags = new[] { "Tag1", "Tag2" },


Type Description
CakeMethodAliasAttribute An attribute used to mark script method aliases.


Name Type Description
context ICakeContext The cake context.
server string The Octopus server URL.
apiKey string The user's API key.
projectName string Name of the target project.
deployFrom string Source environment name.
deployTo string Target environment name.
settings OctopusDeployPromoteReleaseSettings Deployment settings.

Return Value

Type Description