Cake.ArgumentBinder.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
ArgumentFormatException Exception that gets thrown if an argument can not be converted to the argument's base type.
ArgumentSource Where the source of the argument's value is.
ArgumentTooLargeException Exception that gets thrown if an argument's value is too big.
ArgumentTooSmallException Exception that gets thrown if an argument's value is too small.
ArgumentValueNullException Exception that gets thrown if an argument value is null, when it is not allowed to be.
AttributeValidationException Exception that is thrown during the valiation of an attribute. NOT during argument processing.
BooleanArgumentAttribute This is an argument that should be limited to an boolean. Note that this attribute can only be attached to a property whose type is an bool, or run-time exceptions will occur.
CakeTaskBuilderExtensions Extensions to the CakeTaskBuilder class that we use to bind arguments.
EnumArgumentAttribute This class helps bind an enum to an argument. This allows one to limit the choices a user is able to pass into the property.
IntegerArgumentAttribute This is an argument that should be limited to an integer. Note that this attribute can only be attached to a property whose type is an int, or run-time exceptions will occur.
MissingRequiredArgumentException Exception that gets thrown if an argument is required, but was never specified.
StringArgumentAttribute This is an argument that should be limited to an string. Note that this attribute can only be attached to a property whose type is a string, or run-time exceptions will occur.

Interface Types

Interface Summary