Cake.Flutter.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AndroidLanguage AndroidLanguage
ArgumentsBuilderExtension Arguments builder
AutoToolSettings Base class for tooling that is used for autogeneration of command line arguments.
FlutterAliases Contains functionality for working with flutter commands.
FlutterAnalyzeSettings Settings for flutter analyze. Analyze the project's Dart code..
FlutterAttachSettings Settings for flutter attach. Attach to a running application..
FlutterBashCompletionSettings Settings for flutter bash-completion. Output command line shell completion setup scripts..
FlutterBuildAotSettings Settings for flutter build aot. Build an ahead-of-time compiled snapshot of your app's Dart code..
FlutterBuildApkSettings Settings for flutter build apk. Build an Android APK file from your app..
FlutterBuildAppBundleSettings Settings for flutter build apk. Build an Android APK file from your app..
FlutterBuildBundleSettings Settings for flutter build bundle. Build the Flutter assets directory from your app..
FlutterBuildFlxSettings Settings for flutter build flx. Deprecated.
FlutterBuildIosSettings Settings for flutter build ios. Build an iOS application bundle (Mac OS X host only)..
FlutterBuildIpaSettings Settings for flutter build ios. Build an iOS application bundle (Mac OS X host only)..
FlutterChannelSettings Settings for flutter channel. List or switch flutter channels..
FlutterCleanSettings Settings for flutter clean. Delete the build/ directory..
FlutterConfigSettings Settings for flutter config. Configure Flutter settings..
FlutterCreateSettings Settings for flutter create. Create a new Flutter project..
FlutterDevicesSettings Settings for flutter devices. List all connected devices..
FlutterDoctorSettings Settings for flutter doctor. Show information about the installed tooling..
FlutterDriveSettings Settings for flutter drive. Runs Flutter Driver tests for the current project..
FlutterEmulatorsSettings Settings for flutter emulators. List, launch and create emulators..
FlutterFormatSettings Settings for flutter format. Format one or more dart files..
FlutterInstallSettings Settings for flutter install. Install a Flutter app on an attached device..
FlutterLogsSettings Settings for flutter logs. Show log output for running Flutter apps..
FlutterMakeHostAppEditableSettings Settings for flutter make-host-app-editable. Moves host apps from generated directories to non-generated directories so that they can be edited by developers..
FlutterPackagesGetSettings Settings for flutter packages get. Get packages in a Flutter project..
FlutterPackagesPubSettings Settings for flutter packages pub. Pass the remaining arguments to Dart's "pub" tool..
FlutterPackagesTestSettings Settings for flutter packages test. Run the "test" package..
FlutterPackagesUpgradeSettings Settings for flutter packages upgrade. Upgrade packages in a Flutter project..
FlutterPrecacheSettings Settings for flutter precache. Populates the Flutter tool's cache of binary artifacts..
FlutterRunSettings Settings for flutter run. Run your Flutter app on an attached device..
FlutterScreenshotSettings Settings for flutter screenshot. Take a screenshot from a connected device..
FlutterStopSettings Settings for flutter stop. Stop your Flutter app on an attached device..
FlutterTestSettings Settings for flutter test. Run Flutter unit tests for the current project..
FlutterTool<TSettings> Base class for all appcenter related tools.
FlutterTraceSettings Settings for flutter trace. Start and stop tracing for a running Flutter app..
FlutterUpgradeSettings Settings for flutter upgrade. Upgrade your copy of Flutter..
IOSArch Target iIOS architechture
IOSLanguage iOS language
TargetPlatform Target platform
Template Template type