May, 2020

Cake v0.38.0 released

Saturday, 30 May 2020
Release Notes

Version 0.38.0 of Cake has been released.

In this version we've got a few features and improvements and one bug fix, full list of changes at end of this post

One of the main features is the enabling of ANSI escape codes. Cake will now automatically detect whether a CI system supports ANSI escape codes, and if it does it will use them, rather than using System.Console.ForegroundColor, or similar. This gives a much richer output on systems such as GitHub Actions.

Within the timeframe of this release, we were very happy to welcome Enrico Campidoglio into the Cake Team. Enrico is the person behind the creation of the GitHub Action for Cake, which has now been brought into the Cake GitHub Organisation. We are very grateful to Enrico for the work in creating this action! Welcome to the Team!

🍰Huge thanks to our community! It wouldn't have been possible without your support and contributions!❤

Contributions were included from:

Full details of everything that was included in this release can be seen below.


Cake v0.38.1 released

Saturday, 30 May 2020
Release Notes

Version 0.38.1 of Cake has been released.

In this version we are releasing a small bug fix which was identified quite quickly after the release of 0.38.0.

We obsoleted a property within Cake, and a warning regarding this was being shown in the build output, even if you weren't using this property.

Contributions were included from:

Full details of everything that was included in this release can be seen below.