April, 2018

Cake v0.27.1 released

Saturday, 21 April 2018
Release Notes

Version 0.27.1 of Cake has been released.

This is a hotfix release of Cake. Following the release of Cake 0.27.0 it was noted that there was an issue with loading some dependencies, which would result in a Stack Overflow exception. This was first noted here, and also here.

As a result of these issues being raised, a bug was identified in the ScriptAssemblyResolver.cs where it could end up in an endless loop. This bug has now been addressed.

Contributions were included from:

Full details of everything that was included in this release can be seen below.


Cake v0.27.0 released

Thursday, 19 April 2018
Release Notes

Version 0.27.0 of Cake has been released.

The third release of 2018 is here! It contains mostly improvements and bug fixes. While this release doesn't contain any known breaking changes, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the next release will. The next release will introduce typed contexts to Cake, this will really improve the flexibility of Cake scripts, read more about this here.

The most notable bug fixes in 0.27.0 were made around addin installation. We updated the internals of Cake to use v4.6.0 of the NuGet Client libraries, which comes with performance improvements. Cake now also supports "offline" builds when using in-process NuGet, this was kind of a regression since it used to work with the old nuget.exe based installer. Another enhancement is that we've added a runtime assembly resolver for assembly versions that can't be found. This tackles most of the issues experienced around addin loading and dependency resolution. Last but not least, in-process NuGet now also supports specifying multiple NuGet sources through config. This can be achieved by separating sources using semicolon (;) when setting the NuGet Download Url configuration value. Below is an example using cake.config:

Last but not least, a friendly reminder that if you haven't pinned to a specific version of Cake, you should do it now :-) More information about pinning to a specific version can be found here.

Contributions were included from:

Full details of everything that was included in this release can be seen below.