Cake runner for .NET Framework

The Cake runner for .NET Framework is deprecated and no longer updated since Cake 2.0. It is suggested to use Cake .NET Tool for running Cake scripts.


The Cake NuGet package was a runner requiring .NET Framework 4.6.1 or newer on Windows and Mono 5.12.0 or newer on Mac or Linux.

It is suggested to use .NET Framework 4.7.2 or newer to run build scripts which are using addins targeting .NET Standard 2.0 only.


Cake.exe [script] [switches]


Switch Description Available Since
--bootstrap Download/install modules defined by #module directives, but do not run build. Since 1.0.0-rc0001 bootstrapping is done by default when running build. 0.24.0
-d, --debug Launches script in debug mode. 0.12.0
--description Shows description about tasks. 0.1.10
--dryrun Performs a dry run. 0.2.0
-e, --exclusive Execute a single task without any dependencies. 0.29.0
-h, --help Prints help information. 0.1.12
--info Displays additional information about Cake execution. 0.31.0
--skip-bootstrap Skips bootstrapping when running build. 1.0.0-rc0001
--tree Shows the task dependency tree. 0.31.0
-v, --verbosity <VERBOSITY> Specifies the amount of information to be displayed (quiet, minimal, normal, verbose, diagnostic). 0.1.1
--version Displays version information. 0.1.12

--target=<target> is not a switch of the runner, but a custom switch which scripts often implement to invoke a specific task.

Custom switches

All switches not recognized by Cake will be added to an argument list that is passed to the build script. See Arguments And Environment Variables how to read arguments in your script.

Use a space instead of = if the value of a switch can be empty or null:

--foo ""

Bootstrapping for Cake runner for .NET Framework

Bootstrapping scripts ensure you have Cake and other required dependencies installed. The bootstrapper scripts are also responsible for invoking Cake.

Getting the bootstrapper

Bootstrapper for Cake runner for .NET Framework is available in the Cake Resources repository and can be installed using the command for your operating system from below:

Open a new PowerShell window and run the following command:

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile build.ps1

Open a new shell and run the following command:

curl -Lsfo

Open a new shell and run the following command:

curl -Lsfo

Running build script

To launch Cake run the bootstrapper:

Open a new PowerShell window and run the following command:


Open a new shell and run the following command:

Open a new shell and run the following command:

Extending the bootstrapper

The bootstrapper that you can get directly from is intended as a starting point for what can be done. It is the developer's discretion to extend the bootstrapper to solve for your own requirements.

Using pre-release versions

Cake uses Azure Artifacts as a NuGet feed for testing and pre-release builds. With these pre-release builds the next version of Cake can be accessed and utilized for getting the latest features or testing addins or build scripts to know if the next release will be safe when you need to upgrade.

These instructions assume you are using the NuGet CLI as done in the default bootstrapper for Windows or default bootstrapper for macOS & Linux.

  1. Update the bootstrapper

    Replace the following line in the bootstrapper:

    $NuGetOutput = Invoke-Expression "& $env:NUGET_EXE_INVOCATION install -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$TOOLS_DIR`""


    $NuGetOutput = Invoke-Expression "& $env:NUGET_EXE_INVOCATION install -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$TOOLS_DIR`" -Source"

    Replace the following line in the bootstrapper:

    mono "$NUGET_EXE" install -ExcludeVersion


    mono "$NUGET_EXE" install -ExcludeVersion -Source"

    Replace the following line in the bootstrapper:

    mono "$NUGET_EXE" install -ExcludeVersion


    mono "$NUGET_EXE" install -ExcludeVersion -Source"

  2. Modify the packages.config file to pin the Cake version to one of the pre-releases:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <package id="Cake" version="1.0.0-alpha0079" />