Upgrade instructions

To update Cake follow these instructions

When using the .NET tool as a local tool:

dotnet tool install --local Cake.Tool

When using the .NET tool as a global tool:

dotnet tool install --global Cake.Tool

Update version for the Cake.Frosting NuGet package.

Update version for Cake package in tools\packages.config file.

Update version for Cake.CoreCLR package in tools\packages.config file.

Cake 3.x to Cake 4.0

Cake 4.0 is a major version containing breaking changes.

IFile interface

IFile has added methods for setting timestamps (see #4132). While the interface has default implementations it can still break ABI which is why we've marked this change as breaking.

Cake 2.x to Cake 3.0

Cake 3.0 is a major version containing breaking changes.

Required .NET version

Cake will no longer run on .NET Core 3.1 or .NET 5, but Cake will continue to support the building of .NET Framework projects, as well as projects targeting .NET 5.0 or older.

The supported platform matrix for Cake 3.0.0 will look like this:

Runner .NET 7 .NET 6
Cake .NET Tool
Cake Frosting

DotNet aliases

DotNetCore* aliases have been removed and replaced with DotNet* aliases.

Frosting lifecycle

Cake Frosting lifetime expects now additionally an ISetupContext instance.

Change FrostingLifetime implementation from

public class BuildLifetime : FrostingLifetime<BuildContext>
    public override void Setup(BuildContext context)


public class BuildLifetime : FrostingLifetime<BuildContext>
    public override void Setup(BuildContext context, ISetupContext info)

Cake 1.x to Cake 2.0

Cake 2.0 is a major version containing breaking changes.

Supported runners and required .NET version

To allow Cake to make use of modern platform features, make life easier for extension authors and simplify decision process of users we have decided to stop shipping Cake runner for .NET Framework and the already deprecated Cake runner for .NET Core with 2.0. Additionally we dropped support to run on .NET Core 2.1 and .NET Core 3.0 for Cake .NET Tool and Cake Frosting.

This means that, starting with Cake 2.0, you will need to have the .NET SDK installed on your build machine, at a minimum .NET Core 3.1, but .NET 6 is recommended, in order to run Cake. In other words, Cake itself will no longer run on .NET Framework, Mono and .NET Core 3.0 or older. Cake will continue to support building of .NET Framework projects as well as projects targeting .NET Core 3.0 or older.

Supported platform matrix for Cake 2.0 will look like this:

Runner .NET 6 .NET 5 .NET Core 3.1
Cake .NET Tool
Cake Frosting

As a consequence of no longer shipping Cake runner for .NET Framework we will also stop shipping the Cake.Portable Chocolatey package and Homebrew Cake formulae.

Cake runner for .NET Core has been deprecated since version 1.0 with Cake .NET Tool as the suggested replacement. For users of Cake runner for .NET Framework it is also suggested to switch to Cake .NET Tool and run builds on .NET Core 3.1 or newer. For users which rely on an extension, or other dependencies, which require .NET Framework or .NET Core 3.0 or older, suggestion is to stay on Cake 1.x.

See Sunsetting of .NET Framework and .NET Core runners in Cake 2.0 for details.

Cake Frosting

The deprecated ReverseDependencyAttribute and DependencyAttribute have been removed. ReverseDependencyAttribute can be replaced with IsDependeeOfAttribute and DependencyAttribute with IsDependentOnAttribute.

See #3003 and #3577 for details.

Azure Pipelines build provider updates

IsRunningOnAzurePipelines and IsRunningOnAzurePipelinesHosted properties

With Cake 1.x IAzurePipelinesProvider.IsRunningOnAzurePipelines returned true if a build was running on Azure Pipelines and on a self-hosted agent. To check if a build was running on Azure Pipelines, regardless on which type of agent, two properties needed to be checked:

var isRunningOnAzurePipelines =
    BuildSystem.AzurePipelines.IsRunningOnAzurePipelines || BuildSystem.AzurePipelines.IsRunningOnAzurePipelinesHosted;

With Cake 2.0 the meaning of the IAzurePipelinesProvider.IsRunningOnAzurePipelines and BuildSystem.IsRunningOnAzurePipelines properties have changed to only check if the build is running on Azure Pipelines or not.

To check if a build is running on a Microsoft-hosted or self-hosted agent, the IsHosted property can be used:

var isMicrosoftHostedAgent =

The IAzurePipelinesProvider.IsRunningOnAzurePipelinesHosted and BuildSystem.IsRunningOnAzurePipelinesHosted properties have been removed and need to be replaced with the above code. Additionally the BuildProvider.AzurePipelinesHosted enumeration value has been removed.

See #3654 for details.

AzurePipelinesBuildInfo properties data type

The data type of AzurePipelinesBuildInfo.ArtifactStagingDirectory, AzurePipelinesBuildInfo.BinariesDirectory, AzurePipelinesBuildInfo.SourcesDirectory, AzurePipelinesBuildInfo.StagingDirectory and AzurePipelinesBuildInfo.TestResultsDirectory has been changed from FilePath to DirectoryPath.

See #3590 for details.

Removal of TFBuildProvider

Deprecated TFBuildProvider has been removed. It can be replaced with AzurePipelinesProvider.

See #3610 for details.

MsBuild & dotnet support

New aliases for dotnet

The existing DotNetCore* aliases have been made obsolete and should be replaced with new DotNet* aliases.

See #3341 for details.

Xamarin.iOS platform target support

PlatformTarget.ARMv6, PlatformTarget.ARMv7 and PlatformTarget.ARMv7s have been added to MSBuildSettings.PlatformTarget for Xamarin.iOS support.

See #3222 for details.

Tool support


GitVersionVerbosity has been updated to match the verbosity in current versions of GitVersion.

See #3282 for details.


With Cake 1.x OpenCoverSettings had a Register property of type string, which could be empty for admin-mode, the string user for user-mode or the path to a DLL:

OpenCover(x => {
    new OpenCoverSettings{
        Register = "some-path-to-dll"

With Cake 2.0 OpenCoverSettings.Register has been changed to type OpenCoverRegisterOption. There are also additional extension methods OpenCoverSettings:

OpenCover(x => {
    new OpenCoverSettings()
        .WithoutRegister() // to omit the register-settings
        .WithRegisterAdmin() // -register
        .WithRegisterUser() // -register:user <-- this is the default
        .WithRegisterDll(someFilePath) // -register:path-to-dll

See #2788 for details.

Cake 1.0.0 to Cake 1.1.0


Starting with this release, Cake.DotNetTool.Module will always be released together with Cake and will only be compatible with the current release.

If you use Cake.DotNetTool.Module already on your builds remove the Cake.DotNetTool.Module from your build script as it's no longer needed.

Cake 0.38.x to Cake 1.0.0

Cake 1.0 is a major version containing breaking changes.

Replace obsolete members

Members marked as obsolete in previous versions have been removed in Cake 1.0. Update to the member suggested in the obsolete message.

Cake Frosting

Removal of CakeHostBuilder

CakeHostBuilder has been removed. With Cake Frosting 1.0 CakeHost can be used directly to create the CakeHost object.

With Cake Frosting 0.38.x:

// Create the host.
var host =
    new CakeHostBuilder()

// Run the host.
return host.Run();

With Cake Frosting 1.0:

// Create and run the host.
    new CakeHost()

Removal of ICakeServices

ICakeServices has been removed. With Cake Frosting 1.0 you no longer need to implement the IFrostingStartup interface in the Program class. Configuration can be done directly on the CakeHost object instead.

With Cake Frosting 0.38.x:

public class Program : IFrostingStartup
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        // Create the host.
        var host =
            new CakeHostBuilder()

        // Run the host.
        return host.Run();

    public void Configure(ICakeServices services)

With Cake Frosting 1.0:

public class Program : IFrostingStartup
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        // Create and run the host.
            new CakeHost()

Tool installation improvements

It is no longer required to manually register the nuget module with Cake Frosting. The method to install tools in Cake Frosting has also been renamed from UseTool to InstallTool:

With Cake Frosting 0.38.x:

public class Program : IFrostingStartup
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        // Create the host.
        var host =
            new CakeHostBuilder()

        // Run the host.
        return host.Run();

    public void Configure(ICakeServices services)
        // Register the NuGet module.
        var module = new NuGetModule(new CakeConfiguration(new Dictionary<string, string>()));

        // Register tools.
        services.UseTool(new Uri("nuget:?package=NUnit.ConsoleRunner&version=3.11.1"));

With Cake Frosting 1.0:

public class Program : IFrostingStartup
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        // Create and run the host.
            new CakeHost()
                .InstallTool(new Uri("nuget:?package=NUnit.ConsoleRunner&version=3.11.1"));

Cake CLI updates

As part of the rewrite of the CLI of Cake for Cake 1.0 parsing of switches is now stricter.

Argument syntax

With Cake 1.0 arguments should always be called with multi-dash syntax (e.g. --target=Foo). When using single-dash syntax (e.g. -target=Foo) an error message similar to the following will be shown:

Error: Unknown command 'Foo'.
       build.cake -target=Foo
                          ^^^^^^ No such command

Passing empty arguments

With previous versions of Cake it was possible to define an empty argument (e.g. --foo=) or pass an empty value (e.g. --foo="").

With Cake 1.0 an error message similar to the following will be shown:

Error: Expected an option value.

One key difference with Cake 1.0 is that beyond key/value arguments (--key=value), it supports flags (--flag), and multiple arguments with the same name (--key=value1 --key=value2), which allows for much more flexibility than before.

In Cake 1.0 use a space instead of = if the value can be empty or null:

--foo ""

If you use this syntax for passing variables from a CI system you can use a space as separator between argument and value:

--foo %myvariable%

Azure DevOps Build Task Extension

Make sure to use at least version 2.1 of Azure DevOps Build Task Extension and version 2.* of the task with Cake 1.0.